Vineyard Church of the Rockies has a long legacy of ministry in Northern Colorado, as well as sending church planters, missionaries, and ministers around the nation and world. We are “Joining God’s Mission Transforming All Things” and our desire is to send leaders everywhere people need to hear the good news of Jesus.
With the population of Northern Colorado growing at a rapid pace, we are seeking candidates for our part-time pastoral residency program who could be trained to lead satellite campuses, plant churches, fill future roles on our staff or join the staff at another Vineyard church.
- Called to church planting or vocational ministry in a local church context.
- Done with your undergraduate or post-graduate studies in pastoral ministry, or have an unrelated degree along with equivalent ministry experience.
- Passionate about at least one aspect of church ministry like pastoral care, discipleship, preaching, outreach, worship leading, kids ministry, or youth ministry.
- Eager to develop your gifts.
- Motivated to learn the day-to-day realities of ministry.
- A self-aware team player with strong interpersonal skills.
- Mentored by pastors, observing them as they do the work of ministry and placed in a ‘continued-learning cohort.’
- Empowered to lead, encouraged to take risks, and given thoughtful feedback in a safe environment.
- Exposed to a wide range of church operations in order to gain a working understanding of underlying systems.
- Paid as a part-time employee with possible access to our benefits, and expected to work part-time outside the church.
- Entrepreneurial, able to see what should be and work to make it a reality.
- Experienced in one or more aspects of church ministry.
- Sure of your calling to the local church. This is a great setting to explore the specifics of your ministry that aren’t completely settled, but you know you’ll serve in a church context.
Please email Jeff Faust a cover letter and resumé to let us know you're interested. We'll follow up with next steps.