Tag: Hero

January 28, 2024
Lois and Eunice

A life of faith that’s passed down impacts generations to come. Timothy’s Grandmother Lois and mother Eunice passed down their faith to him and they couldn’t have ever imagine the impact he would make for the kingdom of God. How can you position yourself to pass down your faith and live a life of faith that’s not just for yourself?

January 21, 2024
The Friends

Jeff continues our sermon by looking at ‘The Friends,’ from Mark 2. Not much is said about these friends, but our unsung heroes were willing to carry their loved one, dig through a roof, and exercise their faith, just to get someone in front of Jesus. Simply put: let’s all be the kinds of friends who do whatever it takes to get people to Jesus.

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
