Tag: Peter

November 10, 2024
Are You Also Going To Leave?

Jeff explores Jesus’ question: “Are you also going to leave?” In John 6, Jesus drew huge crowds and demonstrated the Kingdom in incredible ways (miracles, feeding the 5000, etc). But then, he delivered a message that was challenging to hear. As a result, many disciples turned away. In these tough times, how do you respond to Jesus? How can you trust in His life-giving Spirit more and more each day?

October 20, 2024
(Don't) Shelter in Place

Jeff continues our series by reexamining the ‘Mount of Transfiguration.’ These glorious moments of God’s presence happen for a reason but it’s not only to display the glory of Christ — they’re also designed to empower, encourage, and propel us forward on our mission with God. Listen in as we continue our series: “People of His Presence.”

February 4, 2024
Holy Aliens

“Do you believe in Aliens?” Join us as we discover the truth behind our calling to ‘live as aliens’ or ‘live as exiles in this land.’ How will this new understanding of what it means to ‘be holy’ impact your life with God and how can you reflect God’s holiness to the world around you?

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
