Tag: #proclamation

February 27, 2022
The Secret Life of the Kingdom

We all love the big, dramatic moments of the Kingdom—but what happens the rest of the time? What happens in the 99% of my life that isn’t summarized by words like bigger or better but instead words like quiet, secret, or private? Does God meet me here and what kind of Kingdom impact happens in the hidden places of my life? Listen in as we continue the “Everyday Kingdom" series by exploring the model of Christ for our secret life with God.

February 6, 2022
Gospel of the Kingdom

As we kick off a new series, Jeff explains the biblical definition of “The Kingdom of God,” how we see the Kingdom growing today, and how it impacts our everyday life. Two key phrases to remember: “Rule and Reign” and “Proclamation and Demonstration,” are used to explain how Christ lived His life and invites us to follow. Listen in as we start this 8-week series exploring “The Everyday Kingdom.”

February 21, 2021
Handling Snakes and Poison

What did Jesus mean when He said we would handle snakes and drink poison and not be harmed? Was it literal or figurative? How does this even apply to our lives today? In this message, we look at the ‘story behind the story’ to unpack a Kingdom calling of ‘proclamation and demonstration.’

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
