Tag: Promise

October 6, 2024
You're Invited

The Bible doesn’t primarily tell a story about us escaping earth to one day go to heaven, it tells a story about God coming to earth to rescue and redeem all of creation. As Jeff kicks off our new series, “People of His Presence,” we explore various scriptures and promises about experiencing and knowing the tangible and life-changing presence of God — Listen In.

February 25, 2024
Aliens Have Hope
December 3, 2023
Reclaiming Your Joy

“Joy to the World,” is a famous Christmas carol but what happens when we talk a lot about joy and don’t experience it? Does ‘joy’ even matter to God? What does it actually mean, how can I cultivate joy in my life, and why should I even care? Listen in as we explore these questions and so much more because simply put: It’s time to reclaim your joy.

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
