Tag: #rest

November 27, 2023

Our 4 letter word for this week is ‘rest.’ We love the idea of rest as a culture but it often times makes us feel weak or inadequate when we take time to rest. Natalie will be looking at Jesus invitation for us to rest in Him and will be sharing practical tools for us to lean into the rest Jesus has promised for us.

May 9, 2021
Sabbath Rest in a Busy World

God commands us to remember the sabbath, but our busy 24-7 culture and lack of deep rest indicate that we might be distracted and forgetful.

April 5, 2020
Rest For Your Soul

Jeff Faust talks about the opportunity to rest that the COVID-19 virus is giving us. We can easily fall into a frenzied lifestyle of getting everything done that we can or a consumptive lifestyle of binging on Netflix, sermons, and social media. But even the latter is not true rest. It will disappoint us. Fortunately, Jesus invites us to true rest for our soul, a rest that refreshes our whole being. What would it do for our lives if we could experience consistent, deep, and real rest?

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
