Tag: Romans

August 6, 2023
A Life of Significance

Paul finishes the book of Romans by listing some of the most impactful people in his life & ministry. As we read through these names, what can we learn about who impacted Paul and how that influences us today? Join us as we ask the question: What defines a significant life?

July 23, 2023
A Living Sacrifice

Jeff continues our series in Romans by looking at one of the most famous passages in the New Testament. What does it look like to ‘be a living sacrifice’ and how might that impact our lives today? Join us as we explore the Gospel together and what it means to live for God every breath of every day.

July 16, 2023
How Beautiful are the Feet of the Messengers

Is it hard or easy to become a Christian? Listen in as Bristow talks about what it means to become a Christian.

July 9, 2023
God's Way

In Romans 9 & 10, Paul explains that many of God's people had rejected GOD'S WAY of salvation and opted to rely on their works instead of faith in Christ. This made Jesus a stumbling stone instead of their cornerstone. Two millennia later, we often fall into the same trap and try to earn our way into God's family.

June 18, 2023
Your Salvation Includes...

As we continue our series in the book of Romans, Jeff looks at the promises of our salvation found in Christ. Romans 5 teaches us that because of our faith in Christ we a promised blessings, trials, and a newfound hope for all that Christ has done. Listen in as we discover these promises together and explore the beauty of our salvation.

June 11, 2023
Justified by Faith

Jeff continues our series in Romans by introducing the theological truth of ‘Justification by Faith.’ For 2000+ years this doctrine has taught believers how important our faith is in the eternal work of Jesus Christ on the cross. Listen in as we explore the promise of ‘justification by faith’ and how it applies to your life today.

June 4, 2023
I Will Not Be Ashamed

Jeff starts a new series from the book of Romans by teaching from the thesis of the entire book: Romans 1:16-17. This message (and the entire series) will encourage us to confidently share the Gospel, trust in Jesus for salvation, and live a life of faith. Join us as we discover the theologically-rich book of Romans together.

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
