Tag: #treasure

September 3, 2023
Anxious about Money

Jesus talks about money all the time! Turns out there’s a good reason for this. Money can make us anxious, it can tie us down, it can even be consuming and distract us from Him. Natalie shares her own personal stories about anxiety around money and looks at an important teaching from Jesus that points us to him and away from our own fears, worries, and anxieties around money.

May 8, 2022
Money Over Treasure

As we continue our series ‘Money Over Value,’ Jeff explores the words of Christ from the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus told us to give in secret, to give wholeheartedly, and to give with our hearts on the Kingdom above all else. Join us as we grapple with Jesus’ famous phrase: “Where your treasure is your heart will also be.”

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
