God wants you to become a wise person so that you can live your best life for Him. How do I do that? We want to learn a lesson from the Parable of the 10 Virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. Which are you!
God wants you to become a wise person so that you can live your best life for Him. How do I do that? We want to learn a lesson from the Parable of the 10 Virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. Which are you!
As we close our summer series, Jeff looks at Jesus’ final words from the sermon on the mount. According to Christ, we need to listen & follow if we want to build a wise, strong, and glorying life for God. For most of us, the listening part comes easy—it’s the following part that challenges us. How can we grow in a life built on the Solid Rock—listen in as we close the series together.
Bristow talks to us about God's wisdom, as James tells us. The world's wisdom is about the self and results. Heavenly wisdom is about God and relationships. We find it from worshiping God, and it becomes evident in what we do.