Vineyard Kids Lessons for 8/16

August 16, 2020

Early Childhood

Journeys for Jesus—Week 3

In this unit, Jesus tells all His friends to go into the whole world and preach God’s Good News. Everyone needs you to share Jesus with them, everywhere you go!

The Bible App for Kids Curriculum from the LifeKids Team brings all the elements your preschoolers love best—like songs, animated characters, and an interactive host—together in a two-year curriculum designed to work in tandem with the stories in Bible App for Kids. 

This curriculum was built to be more engaging for preschoolers and more teacher-friendly for your children's ministries. The units are numbered in the order they’re used at Life.Church, and you can find the scope and sequence for the Bible App for Kids Curriculum in the resources below under ‘Group Elements à Bible App for Kids Curriculum Resources à Teaching Schedule. However, this curriculum was designed specifically to be flexible enough to fit your programming schedule.

In addition to in-church lessons that follow the Bible App for Kids animated stories, preschoolers and their parents can also watch lessons and memorize verses at home in the corresponding Bible App for Kids chapters. Visit to download the app.

**This curriculum was created at Life.Church and may contain references to internal programs and tools (like Roku) that are not available to Open users.

Early Childhood Lesson

Keep the lesson going!


In the Lead—Week 3

Who’s in the lead? Is it you? Is it someone else?

It’s both!

We’re all leaders and followers. Kids influence others and follow those who influence them. In the Lead is a series that helps kids be godly and wise leaders to others, while at the same time being wise about the people they follow.

Find emcee guides, small group guides, activity supplements, and more below.

Pre-Experience Music: Heartbeat (Life.Church), Your Love Is (eKidz), Lifeline (Life.Church), Light Up The Darkness (Life.Church), Shine a Light (Kids on the Move), Symphony (Life.Church), Get To Give (eKidz), I Believe (Kids on the Move), Children of the Light (Go Kids - River Valley Network), My Life His Story (Kids on the Move), Who You Are (Kids on the Move)

Elementary Lesson

Keep the lesson going!

Worship God through dance and song with these videos!

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
