Vineyard Kids Lessons for 8/30

August 30, 2020

Early Childhood

The King and the Kingdom

In this unit, kids will learn that Jesus is the best teacher because He teaches us how to live God’s way. When we obey Jesus, it’s like building a house on a super strong rock. Look in the Bible to find out what Jesus teaches!

**This curriculum was created at Life.Church and may contain references to internal programs and tools (like Roku) that are not available to Open Network users.

Early Childhood Lesson

Keep the lesson going!


What's a Disciple?

Jesus chose 12 disciples to follow Him while He lived on earth. So what is a disciple, and can we still be disciples today?

A disciple is a learner, but in this video kids will learn that being a disciple of Jesus means much, much more. He is not only our teacher, but also our Lord. Jesus still invites us to be His disciples (even children!), and choosing to follow Him means we can have a big impact on our world.

Elementary Lesson

Keep the lesson going!

Worship God through dance and song with these videos!

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
