Call To Worship
Songs of Worship
Sermon Title
Songs of Response
Our weekly worship services are about 75 minutes long. Here's a quick overview of our time together:
Call To Worship (2 min)
Each Sunday we open our service with scripture, usually from the Psalms. By using the Lectionary, we join with Christians around the world reading the same passage.
Singing (20 min)
Our songs are prayers of thanks, awe, need, and devotion that help us focus our worship on Jesus. The lyrics will be on screen. As you lift your voice and sing with us, feel free to stand, sit, kneel, clap, and lift your hands. If the musical portion of the service is loud for you, earplugs are available at the sound booth.
Sermon (30 min)
We'll hear a teaching from the Bible and be encouraged to apply it to our lives.
Reflect (2 min)
We've discovered that in our busy and noisy world, it's all too easy to rush past what the Holy Spirit is saying. So we intentionally slow down and spend a few moments in silent reflection.
Respond (15 min)
We'll sing in response to what God is doing and saying to us. Here are three other opportunities to respond:
Today, October 6th - Directly After Each Service
Are you new to the Vineyard? We'd love for you to join us for Newcomers. This will be a great opportunity to connect, share stories, and learn about our church. We will meet directly after each service in the Warehouse. Let us know which one you plan to attend by signing up.
Sunday, October 20th - Directly After 2nd Service
On the 3rd Sunday of every month, we offer "Bootcamps" to train, equip, and disciple the church. This month we will be doing a Bootcamp called, "Hearing God's Voice". Join us as we learn, practice, and grow in this together! Lunch and childcare ARE provided.
Sunday, October 27th at 12pm
Many nations are represented within our local congregation and we are taking Sunday, Oct. 27th to highlight and celebrate the diversity that is part of our church family. We're going to share our hopes and dreams for the Vineyard as we seek to grow into a more multicultural representation of the body of Christ. If you are from another nation or have parents who are from another nation, we want to invite you to “host” a table. You can sign up to host a table below!
The whole church is invited to come and participate. Everyone, please bring a dish to share. We'll have plates, cutlery, and beverages available:
Last name starting with…
A-I: Bring a dessert
J-R: Bring a side dish
S-Z: Bring a main dish
Wednesday, October 30th at 6:30pm
Join us for an evening of singing together, praying for one another, and experiencing God. Childcare is available for kids up to 3rd grade.
By: Jeff Faust
PSALM 27:4 (NLT)
“The one thing I ask of the Lord — the thing I seek most — is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in His temple.”
One simple way we're JOINING GOD'S MISSION TRANSFORMING ALL THINGS is by inviting friends to church. In John 1:40-42, Andrew's invitation changed his brother Peter's life. Let's follow Andrew's example! Who will you invite?
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"Will you come to church with me? Meet me at Vineyard Church on Sunday!"