Amateur Disciple

Join us as we wrap up the series with an invitation for all of us to embrace: Becoming an ‘amateur disciple.’ As we study 1st & 2nd Timothy we see two important truths: Amateur Disciples Make Mistakes… and Amateur Disciples Make Disciples (who also make mistakes!). How do you need to experience the mercy of Christ today and who has God placed in your life that you could disciple moving forward?

Amateur Worshiper

Worship isn’t about you, your feelings, or your skill—it’s all about God! Join us as we dive into Psalm 96 and hear the clear invitation to lift our voices in worship and praise. For most, we only gather once a week for worship services so how can we maximize our time together and remind our hearts who is at the center of our lives?

Amateur Prophet

One of the most dangerous phrases in church history is: “God told me ___.” Believers have filled the ‘blank’ with all kinds of bizarre requests and commands and the aftermath can oftentimes be pain, heartache, or spiritual abuse. In some cases, it’s easier to avoid the prophetic at all costs; but then what do we do with verses like 1 Corinthians 14:1 that tell us to ‘earnestly desire the ability to prophesy?’ Listen in as Jeff preaches about the best ways to grow in the prophetic while still understanding the baggage behind ‘hearing God’s voice.’

Amateur Healer

Jesus called us to pray for the sick. He encouraged us to expect and experience the Kingdom of God on earth. Yet for many of us, we’re left with questions about how faith and healing interact and even the overlap of scripture with our lives. Listen in as Jeff continues our series and reminds us of our Kingdom calling: To see “even greater works than Jesus.”

Amateur Theologian

Calling All Amateurs! Theology can sometimes intimidate us from exploring the depths of Christ, the knowledge of God’s Word, and the power of God’s Kingdom but we’re all called to be (amateur) theologians. In this message, Jeff encourages us to reevaluate how we prioritize scripture in our lives. What would it look like and who could we become if we consistently consumed God’s word? Listen in as we continue our series together.

Amateur Evangelist

Jeff kicks off a new series celebrating the fact that we’re all ‘amateurs!’ Listen in as we redeem the phrase ‘Amateur Hour’ with a Kingdom of God perspective and step into one of six messages in this series, the first being: Amateur Evangelist. Simply put: sharing our faith is part of our faith. Despite this reality, many of us feel uneasy about sharing our faith or unequipped. How can we respond and how can we do the work of an amateur evangelist?


Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
