Prophet, Priest and King

Who is Jesus, really? Everyone on planet Earth has heard of Jesus, but who is he really? And who did Jesus think that he was?! What did Jesus' Bible, the Old Testament, tell him about who he was? Three things: a Prophet, a Priest and a King. Let Jesus' own Bible tell you who Jesus really was!

Relentless Redeemer

The calling of Hosea ranks high on the list of difficulty! Why would God ask Hosea to do something so challenging—and what does it mean for our personal lives? Join us as we explore the relentless redemption of God and experience His unending compassion together.

The Slow Growth Kingdom

Natalie teaches from Daniel 2 about one incredibly important spiritual truth - The Kingdom of God grows slowly. Tune in to hear how slow Kingdom growth can be applied in our everyday lives.

The Gospel of Ezekiel

In this message, Jeff looks at the promise of the coming ‘Good Shepherd.’ Ezekiel 34 corrects the leaders of the day while pointing to the promise of the coming Shepherd-King who will rule with passion, care, tenderness, and justice. Listen in as we discover Jesus in the Old Testament and pray about how we can be more like Him.

The Suffering Servant

Jesus wants to heal your soul...he died on the Cross to heal your soul. But you have to let him! So let Jesus take your Sin. Let Jesus take your Pain. Let Jesus take your Suffering. Then and only then will our souls be healed.

The Bronze Snake

What does this scripture tell me about Jesus & how does this impact me? Asking/answering these two questions every time you open the Bible will help you understand God and our purpose/calling as we follow Him but some scriptures provide easier answers than others. In our passage for this week, we embrace the challenge of seeing Jesus in complaints, snake bites, confession, and healing.

The Passover Lamb

Just before the tenth plague in Egypt, God instructed his people to choose a spotless lamb to slaughter and eat, and they were to paint the lamb's blood on their doorframes so the plague of death would "pass over" their homes. 1500 years later, Jesus became our perfect Passover lamb and instituted a new version of this ancient meal.

Heaven Came Down

God's been revealing his character to mankind from the beginning, but it isn't always the easiest to see. Genesis 28 tells the story of Jacob's dream of a Hidden Staircase from Heaven covered in angels. Join us as we explore how this story connects to the past and to the future in Jesus.

The Sacrifice

Have you ever finished an Old Testament story and thought: ‘What on earth is going on here?’ Genesis 22, the story including Abraham, Isaac, and a sacrifice on a mountain often creates more questions than answers. Join us as we continue to explore how the person of Jesus shows up in the Old Testament and how the cross is central to our everyday theology.


Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
