Rest For Your Soul

Jeff Faust talks about the opportunity to rest that the COVID-19 virus is giving us. We can easily fall into a frenzied lifestyle of getting everything done that we can or a consumptive lifestyle of binging on Netflix, sermons, and social media. But even the latter is not true rest. It will disappoint us. Fortunately, Jesus invites us to true rest for our soul, a rest that refreshes our whole being. What would it do for our lives if we could experience consistent, deep, and real rest?

Confronting Identity Thieves

Jeff continues our series, Does God Really Love Me, and discusses the ways that Satan tries to steal our identity as children of God.

Embracing Your True Identity

Jeff continues our series, Does God Really Love Me, and talks to us about embracing our true identity as children of God.

Unshakeable Love

Jeff teaches about God's unshakeable love. He reminds us that God's love is the most stable, steady and consistent. It is a foundation that we can build our lives upon.

Expansive Love

Bristow Hood tells us about God's amazing and expansive love that we often choose not to experience. He forgives us, heals us, and redeems us. All of which releases us from the pit of sin and condemnation; he brings us into his freedom. We become people of love and compassion who can then spread God's freedom to others.

Breathtaking Love

Jeff Faust talks about God's breathtaking love. Referencing Ephesians 3:17-19, he talks about how we can not only grow in God's love, but we can also understand and experience God's love.

Perfect Love Revealed

Jeff Faust talks about God revealing his perfect love to us. Jesus became one of us to show us that love. We were helpless, even God's enemies, and still he gave everything for us. Through the ongoing revelation of his perfect love, we are made his friends.

Perfect Love

Jeff Faust begins our new series by showing us that God loves and likes us. What's more, he loves to love us. He has arranged our lives so that he can show us his love again and again. As we get to accept and experience his love, it conquers our fears and helps us to love others.


Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
