Expect Encounters

We close our series on “Kingdom Expectations” by remembering and celebrating Pentecost. When God poured out His Holy Spirit, He was fulfilling a promise given years before: that ‘you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…’. What did this outpouring look like and how does it impact our daily life with God moving forward? Listen in as we celebrate Pentecost together.

Expect God's Voice

We all want to hear God’s voice in our life, but how? Natalie shares not only that we can desire to hear his voice, but that we can expect to hear God’s voice. As she continues in the series Kingdom Expectations, she’ll share how this can play out in our lives today and how you can expect to hear His voice for yourself and for others.

Expect Rejection

Kingdom Expectations are filled with beautiful promises of healing, deliverance, salvation, and the presence of God — but also challenging things like persecution, rejection, and even hatred. Jesus taught His disciples that rejection was coming and He continues to teach us the same today. Join us as we lean on scripture and the testimony of our persecuted brothers & sisters to inspire our faith moving forward.

Expect His Return

It seems like Christians are either fixated on end-times prophecies OR avoid the topic altogether. But how does Jesus' imminent return affect us today? And how should we live in light of his coming?

Expect Salvation

Jeff continues our series by talking about how we can ‘expect salvation.’ Scripture teaches us that God ‘rains down righteousness and salvation springs up from the ground.’ What does the fullness of this mean, and how can we participate in God’s mission today? Listen in as Jeff shares stories and encourages us to expect salvation in our daily lives with God.

Expect Healing

One of the great promises of the Bible is that we can pray for/expect healing on this side of heaven. Listen in as we explore the tension behind healing prayer, how faith interacts with healing, and how we can expect God to move in our midst.

Expect Freedom

Jeff opens our “Kingdom Expectations” series by exploring the promises about our life with God. This week, he’s specifically talking about the freedom we can find in Christ—freedom from sin, our past, even demonic attack. Listen in as we seek freedom over our lives by seeking Christ together.


Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
