Tag: #advent

December 15, 2024

As we continue in the ‘First Responders’ series, Natalie shares about Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel. He tells Mary that she will become pregnant with the son of God. Listen in to hear how we can respond with great faith, like Mary, to the miraculous voice of the Lord in our own lives.

December 8, 2024
Herod, The Priests, & The Magi

Jeff continues our ‘First Responders’ series by reading a famous Christmas passage about the wisemen/magi’s pursuit of Jesus. What can we learn from their life with God and how does this contrast from others in this same passage (Herod & The Priests)? Listen in as we continue to prepare our hearts for this Christmas season.

December 24, 2023
Joy to the World

Celebrate Christmas with Vineyard Church of the Rockies. Jeff shares about God’s ‘Good News of Great Joy.’ Jesus Christ, our Savior and King, is born to make all things right.

December 10, 2023
Joy and Grief

As Jeff continues our series titled ‘Joy to the World,’ we once again turn to scripture seeking an answer to one of life’s challenging questions: ‘How do I navigate times of both joy & grief?’ On this side of heaven, we still experience trials, challenges, and pain but thankfully the Bible is not silent on how to follow God in the midst of this tension. In this message, Jeff shares from the teachings of Jesus and his own personal life how to walk with God in the midst of joy & grief.

December 3, 2023
Reclaiming Your Joy

“Joy to the World,” is a famous Christmas carol but what happens when we talk a lot about joy and don’t experience it? Does ‘joy’ even matter to God? What does it actually mean, how can I cultivate joy in my life, and why should I even care? Listen in as we explore these questions and so much more because simply put: It’s time to reclaim your joy.

December 18, 2022
Limited Authority, Unlimited God Copy

Jeff continues our series in a message titled: Limited Authority, Unlimited God. It’s true that God has given us a degree of authority (over what we eat, how fast we drive, or how we spend our money), but only Christ holds all things together through His authority over creation, the church, and even our lives. Since Christ has all authority—how can we respond and how can we partner with Him in all things?

December 11, 2022
Limited Power, Unlimited God

Jeff continues our series by looking at one of the cultural lies of our day: ‘You have unlimited power and unlimited potential.’ When connected to Christ, the human heart is capable of amazing things - but even the most capable person is still incredibly limited, especially when compared to our unlimited God. Even more fascinating, Jesus Christ ‘limited’ His power while on earth… What does His example mean for us and what does it teach us about the cross?

December 4, 2022
Limited Self, Unlimited God

Jeff & Natalie start a new series exploring what the birth of Christ can teach us about our human limits, God’s infinite power, and our role in the Kingdom. Listen in as we explore a few questions like: What does it mean to live within limits? What happens if we don’t? And how can embracing our limits help us worship God?

December 26, 2021
Unexpected Response

For our final message in the series (and for 2021), Jeff looks at the ‘unexpected response’ Mary had to the birth of Jesus Christ. On more than one occasion, we read that Mary, ‘treasured’ or ‘pondered all of these things in her heart.’ What does it look like to practice the spiritual discipline of ‘pondering’ this Christmas and how might it help our spiritual maturity and journey with Jesus?

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Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
