Tag: #forgiveness

December 8, 2024
Herod, The Priests, & The Magi

Jeff continues our ‘First Responders’ series by reading a famous Christmas passage about the wisemen/magi’s pursuit of Jesus. What can we learn from their life with God and how does this contrast from others in this same passage (Herod & The Priests)? Listen in as we continue to prepare our hearts for this Christmas season.

November 13, 2022
The Fireplace of Denial

Jeff continues our series by gathering us around ‘The Fireplace of Denial.’ Peter’s denial of Christ is one of the more tragic moments in Peter’s life and from this passage we can ask a lot of questions: What lead up to his denial? How can we avoid making these mistakes? And mostly importantly, how does Jesus respond to me when I falter or turn away myself? Like Peter, may we always know that a denial of Christ doesn’t mean we have to be done with God.

April 24, 2022
You Get What You Deserve

Join us as Natalie closes out the series, 'You've Heard It Said.' During this series, we see that Jesus is always calling people toward him to live a new way. Our culture says 'You get what you deserve,' but Jesus has something different to say. Are there places in your life that you feel you deserve to be condemned? Maybe your past sins have been weighing you down? In this sermon, Natalie points us to the grace and truth Jesus offers freely.

April 10, 2022
You're Dead to Me

With ‘Cancel Culture’ on the rise, we need to be careful so things like unforgiveness or ‘cut-off’ don’t enter our relationships. The teachings of Jesus lead us to ‘forgive and keep on forgiving,’ even in the face of painful memories. Forgiveness can be challenging, so, we must remind ourselves that both the power and process of forgiving is centered on Christ’s work on the cross. Listen in as we discuss this week’s phrase: “You’re Dead to Me.”

August 1, 2021
Relentless Redeemer

The calling of Hosea ranks high on the list of difficulty! Why would God ask Hosea to do something so challenging—and what does it mean for our personal lives? Join us as we explore the relentless redemption of God and experience His unending compassion together.

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
