Tag: #generosity

February 2, 2025
Love Gives

Money follows you until the day you die — wouldn’t it be weird if Jesus never talked about such an important topic? The Bible has a lot to say when it comes to money, generosity, and giving. Jeff starts this new series by talking about how ‘Love Gives & Giving Transforms.’ Listen in as we discover together the blessing and spiritual battle you face when it comes to money and generosity.

November 12, 2023

Jeff continues our series by talking about one of the most dreaded 4-letter words in the church today: GIVE. We’ve probably all feared showing up to church on a day like this (or finally bringing a friend only for the sermon to be on money) but what if giving wasn’t only about sacrifice — but about transformation? Listen in as Jeff explores some important scriptures about how giving leads to transformation.

October 15, 2023
The Heart of Christ

God’s heart for the poor is seen throughout scripture. From beginning to end you see how God is providing for our needs, healing our pain, and setting us free. This same heart is on perfect display in the life of Jesus and early in His ministry. Listen in as we’re reminded of ‘The Heart of Christ’ while we prepare to give generously to our mission partners at ‘Convoy of Hope.’

October 8, 2023
One Day to Feed the World Pt. 1

Jesus had compassion for the multitudes and knew how to respond. Natalie unpacks the scriptures in John 6 where Jesus feeds the 5,000, teaching us about His beautiful provision. There are plenty of ways in our human nature that we can come up lots of different ideas on how to feed the hungry, but when we place our trust, our small ideas, our simple gifts, our plans to him… He already knows what to do and multiplies it! This is what Convoy of Hope does when we partner with them and give one day’s wage away.

May 15, 2022
Money Over Impact

As we continue our series “Money Over Value,” Jeff explores how our generosity can impact the world. Join us as we explore 1 Timothy 6 which tells us to use our money for good while simultaneously enjoying all that God has given to us. How could we impact the world if we became radical givers and how does the local church play a part?

May 1, 2022
Money Over Maturity

As we kick off a new series, Jeff looks at some potential entanglements when it comes to money and our spiritual maturity. Jesus seemed to talk about money often and in this passage, we see that generosity is not only a journey but it’s directly tied to our spiritual maturity. Listen in as we once again commit ourselves to love God above all other things.

December 19, 2021
Unexpected Gifts

As we continue the series ‘The Unexpected King,’ Jeff looks at some very unexpected gifts. What can we learn from Matthew 2? What journey can we follow with the wisemen from the Far East? Listen in as we discover the beauty of revelation of Christ as our King, the worship that follows, and the generosity that springs forth.

October 10, 2021
Be Intentional

As we launch our ‘One Day to Feed the World’ campaign, Jeff reaches back to the Old Testament to explore how God has always called believers to ‘be intentional’ when it comes to caring for the poor. Listen in as we talk about how to ‘be intentional’ with Convoy of Hope and how our generosity is changing the world.

October 4, 2020
Open-Handed Generosity

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
