Tag: #holy spirit

October 6, 2024
You're Invited

The Bible doesn’t primarily tell a story about us escaping earth to one day go to heaven, it tells a story about God coming to earth to rescue and redeem all of creation. As Jeff kicks off our new series, “People of His Presence,” we explore various scriptures and promises about experiencing and knowing the tangible and life-changing presence of God — Listen In.

May 19, 2024
Expect Encounters

We close our series on “Kingdom Expectations” by remembering and celebrating Pentecost. When God poured out His Holy Spirit, He was fulfilling a promise given years before: that ‘you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you…’. What did this outpouring look like and how does it impact our daily life with God moving forward? Listen in as we celebrate Pentecost together.

April 7, 2024
Expect Freedom

Jeff opens our “Kingdom Expectations” series by exploring the promises about our life with God. This week, he’s specifically talking about the freedom we can find in Christ—freedom from sin, our past, even demonic attack. Listen in as we seek freedom over our lives by seeking Christ together.

May 28, 2023
Empowered: Pentecost

The world around us longs for real spiritual experiences. Pentecost Sunday celebrates the outpouring of God’s experienced presence as recorded in the book of Acts. Contrary to popular belief, the story of the Bible is mostly not about getting to Heaven, it’s the reality of Heaven getting into us. Life with God makes all things right.

January 2, 2022
Be Filled

As we open our “Love FoCo” series, Jeff shares about the most important aspect in our ability to love well: Being Filled with God’s Spirit. Nothing will impact or influence your ability to be a more loving spouse, parent, friend, or neighbor than your heart’s capacity to be filled with Christ’s love.

October 31, 2021
Plagiarized Prayers

As we continue our series “Promises,” Jeff unpacks Paul’s prayer for the church in Ephesus. In this passage, we’re promised to grow in three areas of our spiritual lives: the knowledge of God, our confident hope in Christ, and the understanding of God’s power for us who believe. Listen in as Jeff explores a practical way to grow in spiritual maturity as well.

May 23, 2021
Be Filled

Drunk with Wine or Filled with the Holy Spirit? Why does the Bible use this phrase, what does it mean, and how can we as a church continue to offer freedom in Christ? What could my life look like if I was completely and consistently filled with the Holy Spirt—join the conversation as we discover this biblical invitation!

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
