Tag: #women

November 29, 2020
Mary the Trustee

Mary, the mother of Jesus, had an unshakable faith in God. This message gives 3 lessons from Mary's life that can help us have faith in God like that too.

November 22, 2020
Eve the Resolute

When you think of ‘wonder women’ of the Bible—Eve never makes the list. The goodness of her life is always overshadowed with her original sin. In this message, we learn from this godly woman and how she stayed resolute despite all her challenges and trials.

November 15, 2020
Mary the Fearless

Mary Magdalene has an incredible story of transformation. Jesus saw her and set her free, died for her, called her by name, and sent her on an amazing adventure. Mary didn't let fear hold her back from the adventure Jesus had for her!

November 1, 2020
Lydia The Generous

What if giving was more about a partnership with God compared to a Christian burden? In this message we explore the life of ‘Lydia the Generous’, a biblical Wonder Woman who financed Paul’s church-planting movement. Through her example, we can learn to grow in generosity ourselves.

October 25, 2020
Deborah The Great

As the only female leader during the time of Judges, Deborah lead with prophetic insight, empowerment towards others, and a military mind that brought incredible peace to God’s people. Her inspiring leadership can teach us all about how to follow God in our world today and clearly make her a ‘Wonder Woman.’

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
