Tag: #old testament

August 4, 2024
Dancing Cows

Jeff wraps up our summer series on the minor prophets with one last ‘major lesson’: The promises of healing, freedom, and joy are here for us today. Listen in as we study the last six verses of the Old Testament and prepare our hearts to experience the Sun of Righteousness together and the blessing that’s hidden in His wings.

July 28, 2024
The “Italian Prophet”

In the last book of the Old Testament (Malachi), God reaffirms His love and heart towards the people of Israel. Written like a mercy sandwich (with correction in the middle), Malachi uncovers a variety of unworthy responses from the people to a most worthy God. Listen in as we discover God’s plan to lovingly correct and ‘open the windows of blessing’ upon our lives.

July 25, 2021
The Slow Growth Kingdom

Natalie teaches from Daniel 2 about one incredibly important spiritual truth - The Kingdom of God grows slowly. Tune in to hear how slow Kingdom growth can be applied in our everyday lives.

July 18, 2021
The Gospel of Ezekiel

In this message, Jeff looks at the promise of the coming ‘Good Shepherd.’ Ezekiel 34 corrects the leaders of the day while pointing to the promise of the coming Shepherd-King who will rule with passion, care, tenderness, and justice. Listen in as we discover Jesus in the Old Testament and pray about how we can be more like Him.

July 4, 2021
The Bronze Snake

What does this scripture tell me about Jesus & how does this impact me? Asking/answering these two questions every time you open the Bible will help you understand God and our purpose/calling as we follow Him but some scriptures provide easier answers than others. In our passage for this week, we embrace the challenge of seeing Jesus in complaints, snake bites, confession, and healing.

June 27, 2021
The Passover Lamb

Just before the tenth plague in Egypt, God instructed his people to choose a spotless lamb to slaughter and eat, and they were to paint the lamb's blood on their doorframes so the plague of death would "pass over" their homes. 1500 years later, Jesus became our perfect Passover lamb and instituted a new version of this ancient meal.

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
