Tag: #persecution

May 5, 2024
Expect Rejection

Kingdom Expectations are filled with beautiful promises of healing, deliverance, salvation, and the presence of God — but also challenging things like persecution, rejection, and even hatred. Jesus taught His disciples that rejection was coming and He continues to teach us the same today. Join us as we lean on scripture and the testimony of our persecuted brothers & sisters to inspire our faith moving forward.

February 5, 2023
Citizens of Heaven

Jeff starts a new series in Philippians by exploring the phrase: “Live as Citizens of Heaven.” Paul, the writer of Philippians, gives a number of directives on what this can look like. As believers, if we apply these timeless truths to our walk with Christ we are sure to experience more of the Kingdom in our lives together.

June 19, 2022
Rejoice in Persecution

Jesus assumed persecution would happen to His followers. Although most of us won’t be martyred for our faith, many will experience opposition to our worldview, Christian ethics, and passion for Jesus. What did Jesus say about how we can respond and where do we find the strength follow Him through every obstacle?

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
