Tag: #sermon on the mount

August 7, 2022
Flourishing with Jesus

As we close our summer series, Jeff looks at Jesus’ final words from the sermon on the mount. According to Christ, we need to listen & follow if we want to build a wise, strong, and glorying life for God. For most of us, the listening part comes easy—it’s the following part that challenges us. How can we grow in a life built on the Solid Rock—listen in as we close the series together.

July 31, 2022
Pray Like You Mean It

As we continue studying the sermon on the mount, we look at Jesus’ famous words surrounding prayer and we’re forced to ask ourselves a question: does our prayer life reflect our spiritual hunger? When answers to prayers are delayed, do we stay persistent in prayer and what happens to our belief in God? Listen in as we wrestle with God’s invitation to ‘ask and keep on asking.’

July 24, 2022
Don't Be Judgy

'Judge not!', the most used and abused verse in the Bible, is actually the key to massive transformation in our lives. Learn what Jesus (and NBA superstar Charles Barkley!) have to say about judging others! Jesus then gives us the answer on how to deal with our stuff!

July 17, 2022
Noncomplimentary Behavior

Our world is full of conflict, enmity, and revenge. Just watch the news, drive in heavy traffic, or scroll through the latest flame war on Twitter. Can anything stop this cycle where everything just keeps escalating? Jesus has some radical and subversive ideas for us to try.

July 10, 2022
Anger, Adultery, and Divorce

As we continue our series, Jeff looks at three challenging topics: anger, adultery, and divorce. In this message, Jeff will share some of his own story and struggles from these areas while communicating the redemptive and powerful plan of God for everyone who surrenders their life to Christ.

July 3, 2022
Law and Love

Jesus is calling us to be more righteous than the leader of religious law and the Pharisees. He is inviting us to see that there is a difference between rules and righteousness. Natalie looks to the sermon on the mount and helps us answer the question 'What makes us righteous?' from Jesus perspective. Our righteousness comes from Christ alone.

June 26, 2022
Salt and Light

We’re continuing ‘The Best Sermon Ever,’ with the Christian’s call to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. What would it look like if we worked ourselves into places, people, and situations full of death and decay, darkness or hopelessness? As followers of Christ, this is part of our calling. Not to shrink back from messy situations or to run from darkness, but to partner with Christ in the transformation of all things.

June 19, 2022
Rejoice in Persecution

Jesus assumed persecution would happen to His followers. Although most of us won’t be martyred for our faith, many will experience opposition to our worldview, Christian ethics, and passion for Jesus. What did Jesus say about how we can respond and where do we find the strength follow Him through every obstacle?

June 6, 2022
The Best Sermon Ever

Join us as we kick off our summer series: “The Best Sermon Ever.” 2000 years ago Jesus walked the earth demonstrating and proclaiming what a ‘Kingdom Life’ looked like and ‘The Sermon on the Mount’ was His inaugural address. In our first sermon of this series, Jeff preaches on the overarching themes of the entire sermon—pointing us directly to the glory, terror, and Hero of the Kingdom.

Join us Sunday at 9:00 & 10:45am

1201 Riverside Ave
Fort Collins, CO 80524
